Orthopaedics Unit (3 North Wing)

UCLA Santa Monica Medical Center
1250 16th Street
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Orthopaedics Unit:

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About Our Unit

Welcome to our inpatient orthopaedics unit! 我们知道您在医疗保健方面有选择权,我们感谢您对我们的信任. We provide comprehensive diagnostic, treatment, 为患有肌肉骨骼疾病的成人和青少年提供外科和康复服务. Our unit offers patients a beautiful, 由尖端医学科学支持的治疗环境, advanced technology and a dedicated healthcare team.

我们的注册护士致力于满足患者及其家属的需求,并与医生合作, 支持人员和整个医疗团队为您提供富有同情心的服务, patient-centered care. 我们相信,当患者和他们的家人参与设计一个定制的护理计划,优化他们的康复目标时,患者的康复效果最好. 请告诉我们如何在您逗留期间为您提供更好的服务. We wish you a speedy recovery!

What to Expect During Your Stay

Plan of Care Update

Our nursing team has two shifts throughout the day, with shift changes occurring from 7-7:30 am and 7-7:30 pm. During that time, your nurse will review your care plan, including the scheduling of any tests or procedures, medications, meals, rest time, sleep needs and your overall comfort.

At shift change, 你的现任和即将上任的护士会在你的床边交换信息,这样你就可以问问题并参与你的护理计划. 为了您的安全和舒适,您将被介绍给即将到来的护士. To ensure continuity of care, your nurse will address your questions, needs or concerns before and after shift changes.

Communication Boards

病房配备了白板,以帮助护士和患者跟踪重要的护理细节, including your care team, pain scores, treatment plans and frequently dialed phone numbers.

Physical and Occupational Therapy

物理和职业治疗师通过与护士合作确保每日治疗计划来支持您的康复. This may occur as early as the first day after surgery. Physical therapists help progress your mobility, 当职业治疗师与你一起进行日常生活活动时(例如.g., brushing your teeth and putting on shoes). 无论你的年龄多大,在医院里都可能发生跌倒,并可能导致严重的伤害. 药物、医院设备和其他因素会增加你跌倒的风险. Nurses and care partners want to help you safely move around, 所以请记得在起床前或上完厕所后打电话给你的护士. 

Our Staff

Our Hospital Staff
Navy Blue ............. Registered Nurses
Olive Green .......... Patient Care Partners
Gray........................ Administrative Partners
Black  ..................... Lift Team
Light Blue ............. Physical/Occupational Therapists


Valet Service

我们医院为任何接送骨科病人的人提供免费代客泊车服务,泊车时间长达15分钟. 请通知停车管理员,你要为病人提供交通工具. 位于第15街1225号的骨科入口提供方便的代客泊车服务, from 7 am to 6 pm on weekdays. If leaving after 6 pm, 您可以在16街1250号的主泊车站取车, which remains available on a 24-hour basis every weekday. 有关房价的信息,请致电我们的安检台424-259-9100. 

Internet Access

Wireless-enabled Internet is available throughout the facility. 只需登录:Medguest并接受免费使用我们服务的条款和条件. A password is not required.

ATM Machine



We have interpreters for a wide range of foreign languages. 如果您需要翻译服务,请向您的护士咨询.

Cell Phone Use


Auxiliary Gift Shop

我们医院的礼品店星期一到星期六营业,以满足病人和来访者的需要. The shop has gift items, clothing, jewelry, magazines, greeting cards, candy, toiletries, flowers and plants. For information, call the Auxiliary Gift Shop at 424-259-9922 or ext. 99922 from your room.

Your Safety and Security

我们的护理团队每小时完成一次查房,以满足您的需求,舒适和安全. 团队成员将在给药前检查身份手镯, treatment or procedure.

Customize Your Hospital Room

There are ways to make your stay more comfortable. 每个房间都允许患者调节恒温器或窗帘. Your hospital bed, 房间照明和床头柜是其他功能,可以为您量身定制的舒适. Ask your nurse for assistance.

Food Services/Signature Dining

从早上7点到晚上7点,我们为患者提供美味营养均衡的餐点,作为我们“特色餐饮”客房服务的一部分. Completed food orders are delivered within 45 minutes. Physician orders are required to order meals. Reach Signature Dining services at ext. 96600. 我们的营养师可以为您和您的家人提供有关任何特殊饮食的信息,并讨论任何营养问题. Ask your nurse for more information.

Personal Items

我们提供“个人护理”箱,用于保管假牙、眼镜和助听器. All other personal belongings such as clothing, 珠宝和家用药物应由家人或朋友送回家,以避免丢失或干扰医疗程序.

Visitor Guidelines

Visitors can be good medicine! We encourage family and friends to visit, 但请您尊重其他病人的舒适和隐私,一次只能有两人前来探视,并将噪音控制在最低限度. 18岁以下的儿童只有在父母或成年人的监督下才能进入,不得无人看管.

We allow patients to have one overnight visitor. We have recliner chairs in each room for your convenience. 请提前与您的护士沟通,以便我们尽可能让您的过夜客人感到舒适. If you have any questions, please consult your nurse.

To protect the health and safety of our patients, 访客有时会被要求穿戴个人防护装备,如长袍, gloves or masks. 避免触摸任何医疗设备或使用病室洗手间. Visitor restrooms are available in the hallway near the elevators.

Spiritual Care

我们的精神护理人员致力于所有患者和家属的精神和情感需求和关注. 牧师作为护理团队的正式成员参与,并将在住院期间提供支持和反思. 患者可能会要求牧师拜访,以获得支持和帮助,以找到平静, trust, strength and hope. 每个病人信仰的仪式和圣礼都将得到尊重和支持. To request a chaplain, please ask your nurse or call 424-259-8170.

Quick Reference Guide

Medical Director
Francis Hornicek, MD

Unit Director / Manager
Justin Marinaro, RN, MSN, NE-BC 

Assistant Unit Director

Case Manager

Charge Nurse

Patient Affairs